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HomeRunning a BusinessWhy is Ireland a good place to set up a business?

Why is Ireland a good place to set up a business?

The possibility of establishing a business in Ireland goes beyond the attractive landscapes and the rich cultural heritage that the country is internationally famous for. The country’s strategic location, combined with the ease of access to the European market, positions it as an appealing base for business operations.

The low corporate tax rate, which is one of the lowest in the world, improves the financial viability of starting a business in Ireland. Furthermore, the nation’s skilled workforce and its advancements in technology sectors make it a promising land for entrepreneurs.

However, these are only the surface aspects of what Ireland has to offer. To truly grasp the potential and advantages that Ireland holds for businesses, a comprehensive exploration of its business landscape is necessary.

Key Takeaways

  • Ireland offers attractive tax benefits and incentives, such as a low corporation tax rate and research and development tax credits.
  • The country has a skilled labour force and is highly ranked for the availability and adaptability of its workforce.
  • Ireland is a preferred location for multinational companies, with many choosing to establish their headquarters there and invest in data centres.
  • The business environment in Ireland is favourable, with barrier-free access to a large consumer market in Europe and a reputation for being easy to do business in.

Ireland’s Appeal to Global Business Leaders

Undoubtedly, Ireland’s advantageous tax regime, highly skilled workforce, and welcoming business environment have positioned it as an irresistible attraction to global business leaders.

The reasons why Ireland is a good place to do business extend beyond these factors. Its attractive incentives, thriving multinational presence, and economic stability make it clear why Ireland is a good place to set up a business, fostering an environment conducive to success.

Key Reasons to Choose Ireland for Business

There are several compelling reasons to consider Ireland as a prime location for your business ventures. Here are some key factors that make Ireland an attractive choice:

  1. Strategic Geographic Location: Situated on the western edge of Europe, Ireland serves as a gateway to both the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK). Its proximity to these major markets offers unparalleled access to over 500 million consumers.
  2. Business-Friendly Environment: Ireland boasts a business-friendly climate with a low corporate tax rate of 12.5%, making it one of the most competitive in Europe. The country also maintains strong legal and regulatory frameworks to support and protect businesses.
  3. Skilled Workforce: Ireland has a highly educated

When considering a location for business expansion or establishment, Ireland presents a compelling case due to its attractive tax benefits, skilled labour force, and robust business environment.

The low corporate tax rate, availability of adept professionals, and a thriving business ecosystem make it a lucrative choice.

The country’s multinational presence, easy European market access, and high investment value further underscore Ireland as an ideal business hub.

Availability of Skilled Labour in Ireland

Building on the allure of Ireland’s thriving business environment, it is crucial to emphasise the country’s highly skilled and adaptable workforce.

  • Ireland is home to a plethora of university-educated professionals.
  • The workforce is proficient in multiple languages, aiding in international business interactions.
  • Irish employees rank highly in adaptability, crucial for rapidly evolving sectors.
  • The government’s commitment to education ensures a continuous supply of knowledgeable workers.

Corporate Tax Benefits in Ireland

In the United Kingdom, there are several advantages to be gained from Ireland’s corporate tax system. This includes the competitive rate of corporate tax, which is currently set at 12.5%. This is noticeably lower than the rate in the UK, making Ireland an attractive destination for businesses seeking to minimize their tax liabilities.

Furthermore, Ireland offers various tax incentives and exemptions that can further reduce the tax burden for companies. For instance, there is a generous research and development tax credit available, which can be used to offset a significant portion of qualifying R&D expenses. Additionally, certain industries, such as manufacturing and intellectual property, can benefit from specialized tax regimes, providing further tax advantages.

Another advantage of Ireland’s corporate tax system is

One of the key attractions for businesses setting up in Ireland is the country’s favourable corporate tax structure. With a low corporation tax rate of 12.5%, it significantly enhances profitability.

In addition, Ireland offers attractive research and development tax credits, relief for staff assigned from abroad, and a beneficial holding company regime, making it a compelling choice for business establishment.

Incentives for International Assignments

For multinational corporations considering Ireland as a base, the country offers significant incentives for staff assigned from abroad, further enhancing its appeal as a business-friendly destination.

  • Attractive Tax Regime: Encourages relocation and business growth.
  • Skilled Labour: Provides a competitive edge.
  • Multinational Presence: Offers networking and collaboration opportunities.
  • Accessible Business Environment: Promises ease of operation.

Research and Development Incentives

Enhancing the allure of Ireland as a business hub, the country offers noteworthy incentives for research and development, making it an ideal location for innovative enterprises.

Businesses can avail of generous tax credits, directly reducing their corporate tax liability.

The government’s commitment to fostering innovation further bolsters this, promoting an ecosystem conducive to growth and expansion.

Ireland’s Holding Company Regime

Building on the allure of research and development incentives, another key factor that strengthens Ireland’s business-friendly environment is its attractive Holding Company Regime.

  • This regime allows for efficient group financing structures.
  • It provides relief from capital gains tax on the sale of subsidiary shares.
  • There are no thin capitalization or controlled foreign company rules.
  • It also offers a tax deduction for interest on borrowings to acquire shares in subsidiaries.

Ireland’s Advancements in Technology

Continuously evolving, Ireland’s technology sector has witnessed significant advancements, rendering it an appealing destination for global tech companies and startups alike.

The country boasts a sturdy digital infrastructure, a flourishing ecosystem of tech talent, and a firm commitment to research and innovation.

Its progress in areas such as AI, IoT, and cloud computing have established it as a prominent player in the global technology landscape.

Endorsements of Ireland as a Business Hub

Recognising its potential, numerous multinational corporations have endorsed Ireland as a preferred business hub, drawn by its attractive tax benefits, skilled labour force, and easy accessibility to the European market.

  • Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn have established European headquarters in Dublin.
  • Pharmaceuticals giants like Pfizer and Boston Scientific operate large facilities in Ireland.
  • Ireland is Apple’s base for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
  • Intel has invested over $13.9 billion in its Irish operations.


Given the extensive endorsements from multinational corporations, and the comprehensive advantages Ireland offers in terms of tax benefits, skilled labour, and strategic location, it is clear why the country is a leading choice for establishing a business.

With favourable economic factors, a pro-business environment, and a robust workforce, Ireland is undoubtedly a prime location for businesses seeking to expand and thrive internationally.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of support does the government provide for start-ups in Ireland?

The Irish government provides strong support for start-ups, including appealing tax incentives, a research and development tax credit, and various reliefs for staff. Furthermore, it nurtures a business-friendly environment with access to a skilled workforce.

How easy is it to register a business in Ireland and what is the process?

Registering a business in Ireland is straightforward. It involves deciding on a business structure, choosing a business name, registering with the Companies Registration Office (CRO), and obtaining necessary tax registrations from the Revenue Commissioners.

How does Ireland’s education system contribute to its skilled labour force?

Ireland’s education system is globally recognised for excellence, producing a highly skilled labour force. It emphasises science, technology, engineering, and maths, fostering innovation and adaptability, crucial for modern business environments. This contributes significantly to Ireland’s competitive business landscape.

What Specific Sectors Are Leading in Ireland’s Economy and Attracting Foreign Investments?

Ireland’s leading sectors attracting foreign investments include technology, pharmaceuticals, and finance. Its booming tech sector hosts many global giants, whilst pharmaceuticals benefit from a highly skilled workforce. Ireland’s robust finance sector also draws significant investment.

How does Ireland’s infrastructure support the setup and operation of businesses?

Ireland’s robust infrastructure supports businesses through well-developed transport, networks, and logistic hubs, ensuring efficient operations. Additionally, its strong digital infrastructure enhances connectivity, making it ideal for businesses relying on digital technology.

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